Metabolic Mapping: 

Vickie Griffith is a Certified Health Excel Metabolic Typing Nutritional Advisor

Has this ever happened to you?…

  •   You want to lose weight, so you try your best friend’s diet. She lost 35 pounds quickly, but you can’t seem to shed an ounce.

  •   Your friend, the vegetarian, thrives on pasta and vegetables and has boundless energy. But when you imitate his diet, your energy plummets and you can hardly drag yourself out of bed.

  • You eat all the best foods, take only the finest quality supplements, you exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. Yet you still don't feel well.

  •   You believe in nutrition, but you've given up on it. It's impossible to make sense of the confusing and contradictory information flooding the market.

Put an end to the confusion about what diet is right for YOU and which supplements YOU really need. Metabolic Typing is the wave of the future and it’s here today!


One Man’s Food . . .
Is Another’s Poison

Did you know that you are actually very different, biochemically speaking, from every other person who ever was or ever will be? It’s true. Your body’s biochemical makeup is as unique as your fingerprints!

Optimize Your Health by Customizing Your Diet

It’s finally here – the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for! Healthexcel’s Metabolic Typing is an easy-to-use, proven technology that allows you to rapidly identify your own highly individualized dietary needs. This extraordinary technology represents the combined efforts of some of this century’s leading medical researchers – people who are well known for pioneering achievements in nutritional science.

Now you can benefit from this simple system to identify your metabolic type. Then you’ll know how to select just the right “body fuel,” – foods, food combinations and nutrients – that will enable your body to function at peak efficiency. With this leading edge dietary technology you may:

  • Prevent and reverse chronic illness

  • Optimize your physical energy and your mental clarity

  • Lose weight naturally and maintain your ideal weight

  • Strengthen immunity

  • Slow down the aging process

  • Enhance athletic performance

  • Overcome mood swings and depression


Eat According To Your Metabolic Type

Over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed an extraordinary nutrition revolution here in the U.S. Yet in this time the health of Americans has declined greatly. Obesity, cancer, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, digestive maladies, chronic fatigue – all these problems have reached epidemic proportions.

Our poor health is a direct result of serious dietary deficiencies and imbalances. These problems persist because we have lacked the technology necessary to evaluate and correct nutritional problems on a case-by-case basis. Dietary solutions need to be tailored to individuals, because what works for one person may have no effect on another person, and may make a third person worse.

But that technology is here at last in the form of Metabolic Type Testing. Now you can look and feel far better than you ever thought possible.  Metabolic Typing is the solution you’ve been waiting for.