Body //
Tired of Dieting?
The Vickie G Method changes the way you think about food by providing customized nutrition plans for your unique Metabolic Type and coaching with Vickie, a Certified Health Excel Metabolic Typing Advisor.
*Achieve and maintain your ideal weight
*Eliminate cravings
*Enjoy sustained energy and endurance
*Bolster immunity
*Conquer indigestion, fatigue, allergies, anxiety, depression, and mood swings
"Your body is UNIQUE, one of a kind, which explains why the last mass-market diet and trendy workout didn't work."
Eating for your Metabolic Type
Workout prescription for your Body Type
Regeneration and Self-Care
There is no one size fits all when it comes to workouts or nutrition
Workout Rx
Do you feel like you are killing yourself at the gym and not seeing an results for your efforts?
Just as there are certain foods that are better for your individual Metabolic Type, there are certain workouts that are better choices for your unique body type.
The Vickie G Method helps you learn to LOVE THE SKIN YOUR IN by offering workouts for your body type tailored to your specific needs including physical restrictions, time, and access to equipment/gym.
Services include
*One-on-one on-line workouts and coaching.
*On-line classes
Self-care isn't selfish!
Vickie shares her female-focused tips and secrets to looking and feeling your best based on her 18 years as a leader in the health and fitness industry.
Join The Vickie G Method Live Facebook Group to get all of this powerful information.
Topics include
*Flexibility/Self Myofascial Work
*Skin care
*Proper supplementation
*Circadian rhythm
*Self love