"Feel it, Free it, and use it to EMPOWER CHANGE!"
It was 1995 when my dctor told me I had early stage cervical cancer. I felt scared, hopeless, and I was shaming myself.
I was afraid. I was afraid to tell anybody for fear of appearing damaged. I was starting my young adulthood as a woman and wanted to have babies and be a wife. A mother. It all went through my head... Who's going to want to marry someone who has that?! Who's going to deal with it!?
I went through a phase of denial and continued to abuse my body. I felt worthless. Others my age didn't understand what I was going through and I felt ALONE.
I finally faced my fears. I mustered up the courage to go face it head on with a specialist who ended up stopping the cancer in its tracks. And because of that I live a cancer free life.
I know not everyone is as lucky as me. Some don't have access to healthcare. Some don't know the treatment available to them. Some may be stunned like I was and need support.
This is why I have joined the battle and ride for #CycleforSurvival. I am riding for the friends I have lost, the friends that continue to fight, and the people like me who have been so lucky to catch their cancer early enough to keep it from spreading. Through #CycleForSurvival we ride to raise awareness for rare cancers and money for the latest treatments for these rare cancers.
This is why I am a part of the cause... Because I have been there. I know what it's like. And I want to help as many people that were in my shoes beat THEIR cancer.
In health and happiness❤️
*Shout out to my AMAZING TEAM members-#GearGoddessSquad
Atoosa Kourosh, Michelle Pisecc0, Christy Davidson James